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My child's first trip to the dentist

Dental Shop Staff Writer | May 26, 2016

As children develop their first set of baby teeth, parents are left wondering when they should make the first trip to a dentist. Should you bring your child to the dentist as soon as you see their first tooth, as soon as their first birthday approaches, or later on down the road when they have developed more teeth and engage in riskier behaviors, such as sucking on their thumb or bottle at night?

Category: Child Dental

Is pediatric dental required under ACA

Dental Shop Staff Writer | October 3, 2014

Tooth decay is one of the most widespread problems among today’s youth. The problem only worsens when kids get older. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 68 percent of teens ages 16 through 19 have decay in their permanent adult teeth. This epidemic could be caused by the sugary diet of youth in this day and age or it could be result of inadequate pediatric dental coverage. In a recent change, The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that health plans sold on the private market and on state-based health insurance cover pediatric dental services. The law is directed at children who get coverage through private plans because dental services are already a benefit for children covered