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Choosing the Perfect Toothbrush

Dental Shop Staff Writer | July 12, 2017

One of the most impactful decisions in oral health and keeping your teeth clean is choosing the right toothbrush. It can be overbearing with so many options of toothbrushes that you can choose to purchase. However, you must also use your toothbrush correctly along with the right toothbrush.


In general, dentists recommend electric toothbrushes. Most people cut short the recommended 2 minute brushing time; however, with an electric toothbrush most will vibrate for 2 minutes and then shut of automatically. This ensures that you’re always brushing for the full 2 minutes. Electric toothbrushes also help reach the spots commonly missed by manual toothbrushes. Two highly rated electric toothbrush brands and Sonicare and Oral B. Both of these brands do an excellent job of keeping teeth clean and your expenses down at the dentist by hopefully not needing expensive procedures.


Manual toothbrushes also get the job done if done correctly. The importance falls to the technique of brushing and maintaining the full 2 minutes of brushing. The toothbrush also has to be small enough to reach all the teeth in your mouth. Soft bristles are necessary if you brush hard to protect your gums.


No matter what brush you choose, make sure you are using the proper dental habits in order to reduce your need for expensive dental procedures. However, dental cleanings are still important to maintain dental health. 2 cleanings a year are covered on most dental insurance plans. Get an instant online quote now here at the Dental Insurance Shop to cover your dental cleanings and procedures.

Category: Dental Insurance (general)