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What is Endodontics?

Dental Shop Staff Writer | February 6, 2017

When scrolling through many plans and brochures for information on dental insurance plans, there are many terms that come up that you may not now. These terms are important in selecting the best dental insurance plan for you. Endodontics is often one of these terms that may arise confusion. To start to understand it, it stems from Greek and can be broken down into two parts, endo “inside” and odons “tooth”. Endodonitcs is a specialization of dentistry that focuses on dental pulp. If you have had a root canal that falls under endodontics and is the most known example and common of endodontic procedures.


What is the difference between a dentist and an endodontist?


Endodontists are dentists who have done an additional 2 to 3 years of training in the specialty following their time at dental school. Other than root canals, they perform repairs on cracked teeth or tooth-saving surgeries, an apicoectomy for example, which usually consists of removing infected tissue in the tooth as well as the root end.


How does dental insurance cover endodontics?


Most dental plans have some type of coverage for endodontic procedures. The percentage that it covers depends on the plan you choose. However, endodontics almost always falls under major services and may be susceptible to a waiting period. Before undergoing a root canal or another endodontic procedure, contact your dentist/endodontist to ensure that your plan covers the procedure or how much it will cover.


Where can I find an endodontist?


Your dentist could also be an endodontist! If not, and you are in need of a root canal or another endodontic procedure, your dentist may be able to refer one in network to you. Or you can go to the American Board of Endodontology website to find a liscensed endodontist near you, but make sure to check if they accept your dental insurance.

Category: Dental Insurance (general)